It’s our goal to make events that are accessible to as many as possible - runners, crews, spectators, and volunteers alike

While there are some things we cannot change, like unpaved roads or the backcountry nature of some of our aid stations, we are happy to provide additional support to make our events equally enjoyable to folks of all different abilities.

Some examples of this may include, but are not limited to: additional drop bag locations for those with dietary allergies or medical food restrictions, additional crew access, reserved parking and/or assistance at aid stations for crews with mobility needs, earlier pacers starts, or full race guides.


Runners are allowed to run with a pacer from Hancock (mile 49) onward, and we’d highly recommend them for the section between Hancock and Monarch Pass. Pick you pacers wisely, this is a tough race and it’s not a great place for first time pacers. Experienced pacers will be a big advantage, so chose wisely. Be sure to read the details below, they should cover everything regarding pacers. If you’re not seeing something, check the Runner’s Guide first, then email the RD if you still can’t find what you’re looking for.


How to pick up a pacer bib

To get a pacer bib, pacers will need to go to one of the locations listed below and present a COSAR Card and Photo ID, and sign a waiver. Pacers' can pick up a bib and sign a waiver at any of the following locations:

  • Packet pickup

  • Hancock Aid Station

  • Monarch Pass Aid Station

  • Blanks Cabin Aid Station

  • Raspberry 2 Aid Station

General Pacer Rules

  • Pacers are allowed from Hancock AS to the Finish.

  • Runners over the age of 65 may have a pacer from the start.

  • Only one pacer per runner is allowed, with the exception of the final 3.5 miles where multiple pacers are allowed.

  • Pacers must wear a bib at all times.

  • Pacers must carry the required gear at all times.

  • Pacers cannot be picked up or dropped off at non-crew accessible aid stations.

  • No muling - pacers cannot carry things for the runner.

  • Pacers cannot have drop bags, but may use their runner’s bag.

  • Pacers must check in and out of all aid stations with their runners (“Runner ## and pacer are out/in!” for example).



Runners are allowed the use of a crew during the race, but we give the same caveat as we did with pacers - this is a tough race for new crews. The aid stations are hard to get to, there’s virtually no cell phone service, and many of the drives between aid stations are over 2 hours. While crews are very useful, they pose a difficulty to the organization of the event. Several aid stations have very limited parking, and some require walking 1/4-1/2 of a mile to reach. If you do wish to use a crew, please be sure to be thoroughly prepared. Full crew details are available in the Crew Manual and Runner’s Guide, this is simply an overview. Study up! Click on the link below to download the Crew Manual.

If someone in your crew has additional mobility needs or is a wheelchair user, please let us know so we can help you better navigate the course.

Basic driving directions are also available in the runners guide.

General Crew Rules

  • A shuttle is required to access Cottonwood aid station. It is $10/person. Please bring cash. Proceeds support CORE, a local offroading club.

  • Crews are limited to one vehicle at Cottonwood and Hancock aid stations.

  • Crews must display crew passes at all times during the event

  • Crews may not visit non-crew accessible aid stations FOR ANY REASON.

  • Crews may not interfere with any race operations, and they may not provide support to runners outside of allowed aid stations. 

  • Crews should attempt to arrive at aid stations close to the time their runners are due. 

  • Crews must follow all parking requirements

  • Crews must courteous to volunteers, runners, and crews. Rude crews will have their crew pass confiscated.

Crews are allowed at the following aid stations:

  • Cottonwood (Shuttle required, $10/person) - Crew pass required - limited to 1 vehicle per crew.

  • Hancock - Crew pass required - limited to 1 vehicle per crew.

  • Monarch Pass

  • Blanks Cabin

  • Raspberry 2


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Runners are allowed the use of drop bags at numerous aid stations throughout the race. Please observe the following requirements:

  • Drop bags must be reasonably sized, do not exceed the size of a large shoe box or small drawstring backpack if at all possible.

  • Drop bags must have the runner bib #, last name, and location CLEARLY written on them.

  • Only one drop bag per runner per location


  • Drop bags must be dropped off during runner check-in, late drop bags may not make it to the aid station.

  • Drop bags may be picked up at the finish line from 6am-1:00pm on Saturday. Some drop bags will be available on Saturday, but the last few aid stations don’t drop off until Saturday evening/night.

  • Unclaimed drop bags are available in Denver for 2 weeks after the race, or may be shipped for $15/bag.

Drop bags are available at the following aid stations:

  • St. Elmo 1&2

  • Cottonwood

  • Hancock

  • Lost Wonder Hut

  • Monarch Pass

  • Fooses

  • Blanks