2022 Runner Email #3

Hello Runners!

This one is short and sweet...the 2022 runner guide is now available! Please read through it. The guide is deliberately exhaustive, and I'm confident you'll find some good nuggets of information in there. Here's just a small selection of what you can find:


  1. All the details, tips, and data you could possibly want.

  2. An explanation of what a Sawatch Monsoon is. 

  3. Tips for running in the heat at altitude.

  4. Aid station menu - includes dietary restriction notes.

  5. A sweet table that breaks down the elevation, gain/loss, and distances between each aid station. Data geeks rejoice.

  6. Turn by turn course details, with added commentary by myself.

A big thank you to 2021 and 2022 runner, Rachel Meier for her editing prowess. She managed to shave 5 whole pages off!

Note that whenever there are big changes, I will email you regarding it. Small changes will be updated and reflected in the document and website. This is version 1-05-26-2022. The next one will be version 2-new date.

As always, if you have questions please let me know. 

Caleb Efta

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