2022 Runner Email #2

Hello Runners!

It's hard to believe, but we're only 67 days away from race day! Spring is in the valley, the trails are melting out, and our team of 31 directors, assistant directors, and aid station captains are busy planning for another incredible year. I don't have a ton of new information to share - which is a good thing frankly - so this is more of a quick update. Please take a moment to read it and let me know if you have any questions. 

Email #1 available here


Unfortunately, our snowpack took a turn for the worse in April, and now we are only at 51% of average. In terms of previous years, this puts us between 2018 (slightly drier) and 2021 (slightly wetter). The entire county is under a Stage 1 fire ban, so please be extremely careful if you are visiting the valley. If you want to track it for yourself, use this link and set the second dropdown (Sub basins) to "Upper Arkansas Headwaters" then "Open Chart".


The lower trails are melting very fast. The Colorado Trail is completely open and Little Browns is snow free to about 11k. Trails have not yet been cleared for deadfall, and there are plenty. Some of the upper stuff is patchily melting out, but not enough to warrant running. We're still looking likely for an early June melt-out. If you want to see current trail conditions, scroll to the bottom of this page. If you are out running on the course and encounter a downed tree or other trail issue, please take a pic and record the coordinates so we can get it taken care of. 


The deadline is fast approaching, so now is the time to be sure you have a day locked in...or decide to pay the opt out. Our Hancock workday is full, but we still have a few spots open for the Sunday workday on Mount Yale with CFI. You can pay the opt out here, just remember that it can only go to CFI or CDTC (not the Colorado Trail). Please make sure to email me you completed trail work forms OR your donation receipt.


With only 7 weeks of training to go, this is where the rubber meets the trail. Unfortunately, some of you may not have been training as much as needed or have gotten injured...or perhaps someone impolitely scheduled some on race day that you can't miss. Regardless of the cause,

If you aren't going to be able to run this year, please let me know so I can remove you and pass the spot along to a waitlister. As a reminder, the only option for deferral is through our New Child Policy. Please note that this applies to both partners, regardless of gender.


If you missed the virtual course planning night, you can watch it here.


It's coming. Soon. Prepare yourselves.

See you in the Sawatch,


Caleb Efta

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